A surprising discovery I didn’t expect… 

Starting my own agency wasn't a novel idea; I’ve worked at several startups and previously attempted this with a business partner (that was a big FAIL, which I will talk about another time). I knew it would be challenging to start my own agency, on my own, and that I would have to navigate many unknowns.


What I didn't anticipate was how my journey would unfold. I've had to embrace an uncertain path and trust the process, something I never thought I could do.


For example, I thought I would be GREAT at helping startups with their eCom and generate great ROI. I mean, I did spend all this time helping sell movies, cars, games, ads, and even Johnson’s Baby. I do know how to sell some sh$t.


But nope, no dice.


It turns out that what I’ve been drawn to is service-based businesses. It's given me a real love of advertising again. I was really burned out and felt defeated by the corporate hamster wheel.


So, what I learned is…I like helping actual people! I feel connected to them. It is much easier to develop incredible brands and marketing campaigns for real-life people and the amazing services they provide.


I honestly didn’t even know this was a path that I could take. By being open to what came my way, I was able to have this path emerge before me.


And I’m running full speed down this path.


What are some surprising things you have learned when it comes to business?


Question for you - 

Do you know any service businesses that need a website, email strategy, social media, paid media, or even a branding photoshoot? 

Well, now you have someone to send them to 🙋🏻‍♀️

Here are some of the service businesses I help:

  • Corporate Executives & Sales Reps

  • Real Estate Agents

  • Coaches

  • Therapists

  • Landscaping Companies

  • Law firms

  • Local businesses


Just F'in Tell Me What To Do


Why You Need a Personal Brand