Why You Need a Personal Brand

"I just want to be in my business, not working on it."

 - Business Owner & Mother


Are you marketing a product or a service? 


Well, I've realized what we define as a service is sometimes blurry. Even within our industry, we may not see ourselves as service providers unless we run our own agencies. However, having spent over two decades in corporate, I know I was providing a valuable service.


In today’s world we all have to be constantly marketing ourselves. Recently, I heard a fellow business owner say, "I just want to be in my business, not working on it." Meaning, they don't want to be thinking about Marketing and bringing in business, they just want to be doing the thing they love doing.


Service-based businesses like landscaping, flooring, and plumbing stand out when they have a strong brand. It's clear why they need to differentiate themselves. While they're passionate about their work, attracting business might not be their forte. Marketing can step in to highlight what makes them unique.


Professionals like real estate agents, life coaches, and dating coaches make up another sector of service-based industries. They need support in showing potential clients why they're the best choice and how they can solve specific problems. Marketing can step in to help them define their brand and differentiate themselves.


In the corporate world, building a personal brand as a thought leader is more important today than ever. Especially in the tech industry which has seen around 500,000 layoffs recently. With traditional markers of success like degrees and work experience being overshadowed, standing out is essential. Being a thought-leader in your profession gives you a platform and a resilience in this market where there is no longer job security.


  • Corporate Professional, you perform a service, you are a brand.

  • Real Estate Agent, you perform a service, you are a brand.

  • Service business Owner, you perform a service, you are a brand.

  • Teacher, you perform a service, you are a brand.


  • Life Coach, you perform a service, you are a brand.


You see what I mean.


What these three industries have in common is their foundation in service, not products. Clear brand marketing for service providers is not just beneficial but essential for the longevity of your career and business. 


Establishing yourself as an authority in your field has transitioned from a luxury to a necessity. Thus, as I've contemplated how to refine my offerings, my path has become unmistakably clear. 


My mission is to build service brands that break through the noise.


Do you need help building a brand?


Let Us Build Your Brand


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