Virtual Connection Calls: The New Networking Mixer

In our post-pandemic era, virtual connections have become the modern networking hub. While virtual calls may not fully replace the importance of face-to-face interactions, they have undeniably expanded our communication horizons.

We all have our Pandemic story. If you're like me, you had to limit your circle out of necessity. My story was becoming pregnant in February of 2020, after trying for over a year.  I took a step back from my busy work life to adjust my perspective. Transitioning to motherhood after having my son, I had to juggle caring for a baby and returning to work which required effective time management, to put it lightly. I had to be selective about who I included in my circle, considering limited energy and time resources.

Fast forward to 2024, everything has changed. My son is now over three, attending a great preschool nearby, giving me time to focus on growing my Marketing business. Time to reconnect with my network and nurture those relationships again.

Benefits of Virtual Connection Calls

Access to a Wider Pool of Connections

At the beginning of this year, I started reaching out to all my contacts. If you haven't heard from me on LinkedIn, you will soon. Virtual networking has helped me expand my network by focusing on shared values and beliefs, rather than just location, opening up endless relationship possibilities. I've spoken with people in Boston and NYC and have a call this afternoon with a former colleague now living in Hawaii. Our connections are broad; virtual calls break geographic limitations in our networks.

Efficient Time Management

I have established clear time boundaries to concentrate on rebuilding my network efficiently. The purpose of these virtual connection calls is to have brief, impactful conversations with my network contacts. I have arranged these calls for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, limiting them to 30 minutes to honor everyone's time. It's about respecting each other's time and using it wisely to invest in our relationships and networks.

Enhanced Follow-up Opportunities

The digital nature of virtual connection calls facilitates the immediate exchange of information. Since most invites are set up using email, we automatically have a built-in digital connection that allows us both to send immediate follow-ups and pass information faster.  For example, during my time in Sales, I've left meetings with a hand-written list of attendees to be entered into my CRM. Who's to say they even remember me by the time I get back to my office and send the follow-ups? Timing becomes crucial when we're accustomed to immediate responses.

Flexibility for Everyone

Isn't technology wonderful? With new calendar tools, people may need to reschedule and move time around. You can link up calendars and find the perfect time that suits everyone. Virtual calls with scheduling tools make it a breeze to work around different schedules and time zones. This way, more people can join in whenever it works for them. It gives us the freedom to set up times that suit both parties.

Are Connection Calls Right for Me?

You might be wondering, are connection calls right for me? You might think, "Rhiannon, you're starting your own Marketing Agency, so obviously you want to connect with people." Yeah, but most of my network aren't my ideal clients. They might know someone who could be, but we won't know until we catch up. I also feel much closer to the vast network of people I've connected with over these 20 years. I've loved every call I've had so far, and my calendar is already pretty full for the next month. So, if you're keen on broadening your horizons, making meaningful connections, and advancing your career, I really suggest reaching out for some connection calls.

Success Stories in Virtual Networking

I've had some really amazing feedback from my connection calls too! I've been introduced to amazing ideal clients who have worked with me. I've had great calls with people who have commented, "Oh, that's what you are doing, actually I think I might have something for you." One of the nicest emails I got was this...

Hi Rhiannon, It was great to catch up, and thank you for setting it up. Impressive to see what you've built and love the strategic approach and clear guidelines you provide to prospective clients. The attention to detail and creativity are great, including how you weave your name into the offerings/roadmap (Rhi-Frame, etc). Congrats again on taking this calculated bet on yourself! Have a good weekend, and I will definitely keep my ears open for anyone who would benefit from your support.

Ways to Connect with Me:

To Close

Virtual connection calls aren't just another option instead of in-person networking events; they're a fresh approach to engaging your community. This virtual shift offers efficiency, connectivity, and growth, empowering you to reach your business goals and strengthen relationships. Come onboard with us in welcoming this new way, where each call leads to endless opportunities.

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