Let me help you make your Dreams Soar!

Have you heard the phrase, "We can't read the label on the outside of the Jar when we are in it."? As a corporate career woman, I've handled hundreds of millions of dollars of other people's money in paid media, branding, strategy, and creative. But I've been struggling with reading the label on the outside of my own Jar and pinning down my positioning.


A few weeks ago, I attended a retreat organized by my Coach, Pia Silva, in Miami. I discovered that I've been grappling with these annoying limiting beliefs, feeling stuck. But you know what? The amazing group of the No BS Agency cohort helped me get out of that rut and reclaim my power. What learned about myself is that the coping mechanisms I developed during my childhood have actually become my superpower. 


Let me share a funny story about myself - my family used to call me "Monica". Now, for all you dedicated "Friends" fans out there, you'll understand the reference. You see, Monica was a neat freak and a perfectionist who couldn't stand when things were out of her control. Well, guess what? That's me! 


But here's the thing, what I've discovered is, that is my superpower. Seriously! I can take ANY mess and organize it like nobody's business. I can clean it up, create a process, and systematize anything you throw at me. And let me tell you, I've done it for clients with budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm really good at it!


Let me give you an example. Back in 2009, someone had this crazy idea to bring a domestic Auto account from Detroit to be run out of NYC. And guess what? I was the Woman for the job! I led the digital team for Crysler, Dodge, and Jeep, both Tier 1 & 2. I hired an incredible team of top-notch talent (shoutout to my team, you're amazing and I love watching you soar in your careers!). Together, we slayed that account! We tackled years of back-billing, created budget flowcharts from scratch, launched multiple car launch campaigns, and crafted a comprehensive digital strategy for 2010 across all brands and tiers. Oh, and did I mention I was jetting back and forth between NYC and Detroit every other week? It was a wild ride; it was also the biggest challenge of my career and one of my proudest accomplishments.


I truly believe that anything is possible and there's no mess too big. As long as we have a strategy, we can tackle anything and achieve success. I can see the possibilities right in front of you. Not only can I read the label on your jar, but I can also design it, market it, and sell it!


Now, let's talk about today. 


Today, I'm excited to announce our Intensive Brand Elevation Method.


You see, we work a little differently.

  • First, we'll start with a Fit Call to see if we're a good match for each other.

  • If you decide you want to work together, we'll schedule a Brand Quest. It's a 2-hour interview where I'll dive into your thoughts and understand the problem so I can guide you on how to fix it. After that, I'll provide you with a Roadmap, showing you the direction, you need to take.

  •  If you choose to activate that Roadmap with us, I have three pricing tiers of a Brand Elevation we recommend based on your specific needs.

  •  Additionally, my team and I can also handle ongoing support and management of paid media, social media, and influencer campaigns.


So, here is the offer for Q4 2023:


Book a Brand Quest with me before the end of the year and it's only $450, down from the regular price of $1,250.


You have the freedom to use the Roadmap to activate with whoever you prefer. If you decide to activate with us, we'll apply the $450 to the Brand Elevation.


Don't miss out on this amazing deal, Book your Brand Quest Now!

Read more about our Pricing and Services on our How We Work page.


Virtual Connection Calls: The New Networking Mixer


I'm a recovering "People-pleaser"