I'm a recovering "People-pleaser"

I'm a recovering "People-pleaser" and the three words I hate using are "I need help". I learned to be a people-pleaser growing up and I've worked very hard to un-learn this behavior, especially since becoming a Mom.

Being a people-pleaser can manifest in various ways: feeling like you have to strive for perfection in everything, prioritizing others at your own expense, and difficulty asking for help. It's truly exhausting!

I have had a metamorphosis from a people-pleaser to a boundary-holder. I refer to myself as a boundary-holder because it signifies a greater level of strength and commitment compared to setting boundaries. You see, as a people-pleaser, I could establish boundaries all day long, but I allowed others to continuously disregard those boundaries. However, as a boundary-holder, I now firmly maintain and protect those boundaries.

This transformation has manifested an abundance of beauty in my life. Among them is the realization that I do not need to strive for perfection. I have learned to embrace the words of Confucius, who said, "If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room." Surrounding myself with intelligent individuals has taught me to listen, learn, and acknowledge that I don't possess all the answers. Not only does this alleviate stress, but it also enables me to hear and understand those around me. It's magic! The people on my team are true experts in their field. By bringing together such a talented group, we all feed off each other's knowledge to level up on each project we do.

Another major challenge I've had to overcome as I recover from being a "people-pleaser" is the tendency to excessively give of myself. I believe we all have an energy. Some people take your energy and some people compliment your energy. With experience at prominent Ad Agencies in LA, New York, and Detroit, I've witnessed the pervasive nature of high-stress agency life across all markets. I get it, we are dealing with millions of dollars, and it's stressful. But, when I've been surrounded by a team of people who feed off each other's positive energy, we can make incredible campaigns. So, that is what I am doing with RhiVive Marketing, bringing together a team of people across various expertise with good energy. Because let's face it, this job is HARD! It comes with highs and lows. We want to be around people who value our energy and help prop each other up when things get hard.

The third and most challenging aspect for me is not being able to ask for help. Being a people-pleaser, I often strive to have all the answers and hesitate to burden others. However, I have learned that there are things I just do not know and I am comfortable in the practice, not perfection. More importantly, some people want to help me, but they don't know that I need help...unless I ask for it.

As a marketer, promoting ourselves can be quite a challenge, right? We're so good at marketing others, but when it comes to our work, it's hard to see beyond it.

So, here I am, reaching out for some help. I've created a Pricing and Services Guide for my new agency, and I'd appreciate your feedback.

I need your help in identifying any gaps or areas that may be unclear. Are the prices too low or too high (Q4 '23 pricing included)? What elements might be missing?

As you go through the Pricing and Services Guide, please keep in mind that your feedback will help us refine the services we offer and also contribute to the overall growth of our agency. So, I'm counting on you to share your thoughts and ideas on how we can further enhance our offerings for our clients.

You can comment on the article or feel free to shoot me an email:


If you are someone who thinks you might be interested in these services, let's book a 15-minute call to see if we are a good fit.

Or, if know someone that needs my Services, please send them my way. I am trying to get new clients and I could use your help.

Thank you for any thoughts you want to share!


CEO, RhiVive Marketing



Are we a good fit? Book a 15-Min Call

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Learning through failure