Learning through failure

A few weeks ago I did a Talk on Failure. I spoke about a business I started and how it failed, hard. What I learned from it made me stronger, taught me to optimize my process, and gave me the chops to start my own Agency.


I met my previous business partner in 2019 in my favorite Yoga class, and I assumed we shared the same values. Despite noticing some warning signs, I believed my corporate experience would help me navigate any challenges because this was working with just one person. How hard could it be?


We had the BEST concept with the best name, a Social Media agency called Social Sweetener. We did amazing work! We had a solid client and more in the pipeline. Our projects included producing a full-blown commercial and shooting a music video. We created cool, engaging Social Content. We built a beautiful website and social following for our brand. We had several pitches out to companies with huge influencer talent that would have been incredible!


Then, the pandemic hit. The clients dried up.


My business partner found another job and handled her resignation poorly. She deleted the website and the social media handles. It was as if it never happened.


It failed. Hard.


The failure was a hard blow, but I recovered and it felt like emerging from a fog into the warmest sunlight.


I gained valuable insights on how to improve and simplify the process of building brands. This is why my tagline is, "Marketing Made Simple". I firmly believe that marketing doesn't have to be complicated. At its core, it is about telling stories and applying proven theories to achieve success.


When it comes to failure, I embrace the concept of "FAIL" - First Attempt In Learning. Failure is an inevitable part of taking risks. Although it can be challenging, these types of failures are easier to bounce back from when you knowingly embark on a risk-taking journey. I'm a bit of a risk-taker. Which also means, I've gained valuable knowledge and experience.


What have been your FAIL attempts?


#fail #failure #learning #growing #AdAgency #Advertising #Marketing #smallbusiness #entreprenuer #soloprenuer #contentcreator



If you fit into the following criteria, we should chat:

  1. Are you looking to grow your small to mid-size business with more sales?

  2. Struggling to figure out how to create ads and run paid media campaigns?

  3. Do you want to create an authentic connection with your consumers?

Then, schedule a 15-min call with me using this link, to see if we are a good fit.


I'm a recovering "People-pleaser"


Understanding why Confidence turns to Doubt