Stories about the journey to RhiVive your business.

RhiVive Marketing RhiVive Marketing

A surprising discovery I didn’t expect… 

Starting my own agency wasn't a novel idea; I’ve worked at several startups and previously attempted this with a business partner (that is a big FAIL, which I will talk about later). I knew it would be challenging and that I would have to navigate many unknowns.

What I didn't anticipate was how my journey would unfold. I've had to embrace an uncertain path and trust the process, something I never thought I could do.

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RhiVive Marketing RhiVive Marketing

Why You Need a Personal Brand

Clear brand marketing for service providers is not just beneficial but essential for the longevity of your career and business.

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RhiVive Marketing RhiVive Marketing

Virtual Connection Calls: The New Networking Mixer

Virtual connection calls aren't just another option instead of in-person networking events; they're a fresh approach to engaging your community. This virtual shift offers efficiency, connectivity, and growth, empowering you to reach your business goals and strengthen relationships. Come onboard with us in welcoming this new way, where each call leads to endless opportunities.

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RhiVive Marketing RhiVive Marketing

Let me help you make your Dreams Soar!

I truly believe that anything is possible and there's no mess too big. As long as we have a strategy, we can tackle anything and achieve success. I can see the possibilities right in front of you. Not only can I read the label on your jar, but I can also design it, market it, and sell it!

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RhiVive Marketing RhiVive Marketing

I'm a recovering "People-pleaser"

I'm a recovering "People-pleaser". I learned to be a people-pleaser growing up and I've worked very hard to un-learn this behavior, especially since becoming a Mom. So, here is how I've learned to be a boundary-holder and how to use the words, "I need help".

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RhiVive Marketing RhiVive Marketing

Understanding why Confidence turns to Doubt

A little story behind how I've been finding my confidence again. The Dunning-Kruger Effect: a cognitive bias where low ability leads to overestimation and high competence leads to underestimation. #DunningKrugerEffect #selfawareness #advertisingandmarketing #advertisingagency #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurmindset

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RhiVive Marketing RhiVive Marketing

Streaming has changed the game, yet the basics have stayed the same.

Streaming has changed the game, yet basics like "The Marketing Brief" have stayed the same. What are your thoughts? πŸ“’ Exciting news! πŸ“’ I'm also thrilled to announce the release of my latest eBook πŸ“š: "Easy Guide to Writing a Marketing Brief"! πŸš€πŸŽ‰ Link in Article. #MarketingBrief #MarketingGuide #AdvertisingTips #digitalmarketing #MarketingStrategy #eBook #MarketingBrief #MarketingGuide #marketingtips

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RhiVive Marketing RhiVive Marketing

In an Instant - Everything Changed

It all begins with an idea.In an instant - everything changed. For me, that instant was when I found out I was pregnant in February of 2020. Having my Son during the #pandemic was the hardest and the most incredible thing I’ve ever done. Now, I'm taking on a new Challenge... #agencylife #marketing #digitalamarketing #advertisingagency #advertising

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RhiVive Marketing RhiVive Marketing

Feeling Heard

Have you ever left a meeting thinking to yourself, β€œEverything I said was ignored, but when Mike said it, it was a great idea”? I am uncovering how little research there is on how to actually overcome this. #communication #advertising #leadership #linguistics #management #entrepreneur

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