Streaming has changed the game, yet the basics have stayed the same.

IIn my 20 Years of Advertising, Streaming has changed the game, yet basics like "The Brief", have stayed the same.

In a service industry our commodity is our expertise. We have dedicated years to training, education, and practical experience to refine and shape our commodity. Whether we stumbled into this field or pursued it passionately, a series of decisions has haped our journey to where we are.

With 20 years of experience in Marketing, it is quite a milestone. I've worked at top Ad Agencies in LA, Detroit and New York, collaborating with major brands, including cars, movies, TV Shows and tiny, small projects that just get me excited. Along the way, I've studdied Marketing, a Master's Degree in Communications, reading industry news, trends, and seek inspiration by what is new and next.

As the writers go on strike, we have a responsibility as Marketers. This strike revolves around fair compensation for writers in Streaming content. Our Advertising dollars contribute millions to CTV ads, while writers and actors receive pennies for their work. The system was designed 20 years ago for these "New Technology" platforms. Back when my TV buyers used to tease me about my digital budgets were "rouding errors" on their budgets. They didn't see why I was so steadfast in digital. Here we are, digital, CTV, Social it is where the audience lives, and advertisers will continue to grow investment in digital. The people who create the content should be rewarded.

This strike is also about AI and the impact it will have that is bigger than we can imagine. Changing people's faces, making full worlds where we don't need sets, things I can not even picture. It can alter faces, create entire virtual worlds without physical setsβ€”possibilities beyond our imagination. How will this revolutionize our industry? Perhaps it will enhance productivity, but my intuition tells me that our audiences will "spot a fake" and will know AI-generated content and authentic storytelling.

I'm really fascinated to see how AI will change and grow our Marketing and Advertising world. At the same time, I am terrified that it will further restrict opportunities for individuals, favoring corporate entities. As we stand in solidarity with our SAG-AFTRA partners in the Entertainment industry, we are all navigating the path ahead.

In this vein, I turned to AI to assist me in writing an eBook/Freebie/Guide. While AI provided prompts and an outline, it lacked the human touch. I ended up re-writing the whole thing. But, it served as a starting point, sparing me from facing the dreaded blank page.

So, what did I write? An Easy Guide to Writing a Marketing Brief.

While a Marketing Brief may appear commonplace, I have often been asked about my "Favorite Brief." So, I decided to use this as the topic of my first eBook. Now I see future eBooks around Creative Briefs, Media Briefs, and Style Guides.

In this Guide, you'll learn the how to write a clear and concise marketing brief in 9 Easy Steps to create impactful marketing campaigns.

In this eBook, you'll learn the importance of crafting a clear and concise marketing brief for your brand or product, as well as the necessary steps to create an impactful brief. To make the most of your marketing campaign, it's essential to provide a strong foundation that aligns your team and steers your marketing efforts in the right direction.

I'm curious what you think of my "Easy Guide to Writing a Marketing Brief"? What did I miss? How can I make it better?

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What do you think it means to be "Authentic"?


In an Instant - Everything Changed