We have to think like a Marketer for our personal brand

In this post-pandemic world, we are being hit with a lot. Our economy is in a recession, our jobs are in constant fear of being cut or have already been cut, and our political climate is in turmoil. What a time we are living in!

As a new Mom, I also have new challenges added to my plate. I’ve been able to build a consulting business over the last several years and have been lucky to have worked through my pregnancy. Literally, writing hand-off emails the night my water broke. To coming back, maybe too soon, to an exciting career that I have enjoyed building over these 20 years. 

But now things have shifted. Jobs want us back in the office. Childcare is not always reliable or my Son gets sick and has to be home and that burden falls on me. I love the burden and I happily take it! But, it does mean I have to consider things like days in the office and hours on the road more now than I ever did before.

I turned down an incredible freelance opportunity I would have previously jumped at. They required 4 days in the office from 9-6 and it was over an hour's drive away. Now, I’m incredibly lucky to be able to turn down that job and find something better. But my position is not unique. Women dropped out of the workforce at exponential numbers during the Pandemic, because they had to. Our societal infrastructure is not built to accommodate childcare as a cohesive village.

So, where does that leave us? Turning to ourselves. Trying to find innovative ways to break through the Resume Bot that is kicking back our resumes. Making our LinkedIn profiles stand out through SEO, writing blogs, and making video content. We are googling, “Flex Jobs” and “Remote Work” trying to find the flexibility to work the hours our children are being cared for. Giving us the freedom we crave and the stability we need.

I’m going to create my personal Brand by using what I know, Marketing. I’m going to push myself to apply the strategies I’ve spent all these years learning on my own brand. Create Rhiannon as a brand. “Rhi-Vive” is my brand. Maybe along the way, I can help others too. 

Can I help teach others these strategies that have built companies? Can I help Women Find Their Voice and ask for what they want, using Communication Strategy? 

Follow along on my journey as I build my Personal Brand and help others do the same.

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